It’s time to upgrade your DCP testing.
Say goodbye to the pen and paper and earn more money with Vertek’s Smart DCP kit.
Requiring less man power and increasing the number of jobs you can get done, the return on investment (ROI) for the Vertek Smart DCP kit is quick.
Users have repeatedly doubled the number of completed tests with increased accuracy when compared to the traditional manual data collection method of using a scale and paper log.
Vertek’s Smart DCP promises to reduce the manpower required to collect soil behavior data via DCP testing, while also improving accuracy and simplifying field logistics.
The Vertek Smart DCP app immediately provides real-time CBR%, depth change between blows as well as total depth of penetration with each data point.
Vertek’s Smart DCP system is compliant with ASTM standard D6951/D6951M-09. Completed DCP tests can be graphed on the smart device in the field for quick analysis or sent via email to the investigation lead to review in the office.

Eco Concrete Levelling
Eco Concrete Levelling is a trusted provider of concrete leveling solutions for a wide range of residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, and municipal applications.
Eco Concrete Levelling uses innovative Deep Foamjection™ to shore up any weaknesses found below concrete surfaces. Most important for Eco Concrete Levelling is identifying exactly where the weaknesses are and ensuring the Deep Foamjection™ is injected into those weaknesses.
How do they do this? By using Vertek’s Smart DCP kit.
We talked with Curtis from Eco Concrete Levelling about why he trusts Vertek’s Smart DCP kit to get his work done.
What are the benefits of the Smart DCP in your opinion?
The Smart DCP sells itself in my opinion. You can instantly show customers the results of the DCP test to prove where the weakness in the soil is. It sells itself again when you complete the job because you can show the customer where the foam was injected. This adds credibility to our work.
Is the Smart DCP easy to use?
It is so easy to use I have never had to call Vertek for help.
Would you recommend the Smart DCP to others?
Absolutely. As I said, it sells itself.
Eco Concrete Levelling
The Vertek Smart DCP kit can be mounted to most handheld DCPs on the market and is easily operated by a single person. The smart DCP kit is protected under U.S. Patents No. 7,617,718, No. 8,033,163, and No. 8,485,024.
The app and hardware combination makes your handheld DCP automated and will provide you and your client better field results and cost savings. The Smart DCP mobile app is free and available at the iOS App Store or Google Play store.
Our Smart DCP system is compliant with ASTM standard D6951/D6951M-09.Completed DCP tests can be graphed on the smart device in the field for quick analysis or sent via email to the investigation lead to review in the office.
When you purchase a piece of Vertek CPT equipment, you become part of Team Vertek. We provide every customer with unparalleled customer service and unlimited technical support. From helping you choose the best solution for your business to training and field support, we will be by your side and always just a phone call away.
Have any questions about our Smart DCP?
Give us a call at 1-800-639-6315 or send us a note and we will follow up to discuss your needs and our solutions.